Sunday, June 5, 2011

Layout Progress Report #23 as of 6/05/2011

Wow...6 months since my last post:  that's what happens when life gets in the way of your hobbies!!!  Nothing bad, just been busy with family, work and other interests.  Also gotten a little burnt out on Model be expected as I had gone 13 months straight working on the Cahaba Southern without much of a break!  But now I'm back into it, batteries recharged and ready to go!

I have continued work on the scenery base around the coal mine area.  After the base scenery lattice and mountain was completed in the last progress report I have now started to work on the areas around it:  the tunnel portals and scenery contours of the track and surrounding bridge.  I'm using more styrofoam and cardboard strips covered with masking tape for the basic shapes.

Once that was started I then used plaster cloth to form the hard shell.  Using the masking tape prevents the excess water from the plaster cloth dripping onto the level below.

A few words on plaster cloth: there are other sources besides model railroading suppliers.   Plaster cloth can also be found at medical supply and art supply, which often sell in bulk at reduced prices.  The cloth I'm using I purchased from Amazon in a 20 lb bulk box for under $49, and it was shipped free if you are member of Amazon Prime.  Considering each pack of Woodland Scenic plaster cloth costs around $10 and weighs 12 oz.....well, you do the math:  for the price of 5 packs of Woodland Scenic plaster cloth I've got almost 27 rolls now in bulk.  With the size of the layout I'm building I'm now set!

Here is the coal mine mountain with the base coat of plaster cloth down:

Next time around I hope to have the tunnel portals installed, as well as some plaster and Sculptamold in place for the basic rock formations.  Until then......and I hope it won't be 6 months this time!